The gel permanently stays within the place of its injection. It is surrounded by a thin connective capsule consisting of 1-2 layers of the cells like fibrocytes and connective fibers. This capsule assures that the gel does not spread through the intratissue fissures, nor into the blood vessels lumina, which excludes contamination of the blood and lymph vessels with the gel particles that would lead to their occlusion. Also, macro and microscopic examination does not reveal any signs of calcinosis within the sites of the gel injection.
While injecting the gel ACTIVEGEL, there are not revealed any signs of the blood circulation disorders, like those of plethora ofblood vessels, or their depletion, or haemorrhage, edema,pre-stasis, stasis, thrombosis, ischemia, infarction or embolism.
The observed morphological change of the nerve fibers within the first 3 months after the gel ACTIVEGEL injection should be considered as mainly reactive signs of their functional adaptation. After 3 months, there takes place complete restoration of the structure of the nerve fibers and their endings.
After carried our research, the augmented volume of the soft body tissues within the region of the gel ACTIVEGEL injection remained visually the same after 6 months of observation. According to the research results obtained at the Scientific-Research Institute of High Molecular Compounds, there was not revealed any pathological changes on macroscopic level. Morphological study of the preparation has shown that the gel gives moderate rise of reactivity within the surrounding tissues only during the first 2 weeks of observation. Any other alternative changes like mucoid or fibrous swelling, hyalinosis, necrosis, necrobiosis were not revealed.
Injection of the gel ACTIVEGEL does not exert any irritation within the surrounding tissues, which is testified by the absence of any inflammations that would lead to forming granules of gigantic cells to dissolve foreign bodies. Adaptation process for the body tissues surrounding the gel is limited to some inflammation of aseptic type which is manifested by a distinct proliferation of cellular elements while forming a tender fibrous thin-walled capsule. These adaptive traits, which are characteristic for an inert body, testify to the fact that the gel is a low-reactive material.